Most of it we don’t notice, don’t care about, or even actively avoid. But some of it is incredibly useful. It’s through these transmissions of information that we learn, debate, and engage. It’s how we understand and share experiences with other people. It informs how we think, feel, and act. Ultimately, as 21st-century citizens, we share the very experience of living with others and navigating our lives through media consumption. And in a post COVID-19 world, we’ve only been reminded of the great importance for the validity of truth and knowledge exchange.

In our jobs as media planners and buyers, and as marketers and advertisers, we can sometimes focus on how we deliver a message and forget how media connects with consumers. So, within Havas, we have been exploring the role media plays and have tried to uncover “what matters.” Which are the moments that make a difference as we work to connect brands with audiences? What are the most meaningful media?

Beginning with “The Power of Sound,” as part of our “Power” series, we examined why audio is more important than ever for brands that want to make connections with audiences. Our next chapter investigates the potential and pitfalls of marketing in the news space. In an age when people are consuming more news than ever before and yet trusting it less than ever, how can brands align with the right news channels at the right time and in the right way to build equity? Follow our journey at

Link to digital pdf: The Power of News

Havas Media Group | Book Design | 2020